Today's cervical spondylosis has become one of the common diseases of the musculoskeletal system, since unfortunately not only the elderly but also very young people are increasingly suffering from it. Lack of physical activity, constant work with computers and other attributes of modern urban life negatively affect its condition and lead to the development of osteonecrosis.
In this article, we'll look at why it happens, how it works, what treatments and medications are effective in treating cervical fibroids, and also explore non-drug options. .
Cervical spine osteosarcoma is a marked change of degenerative-dystrophic nature, disrupting the functional and structural activities of the spine. For this reason, changes occur not only in the discs themselves, but also in the vertebrae and joints of the cervical spine.
Cause it happened
With this disease, a destructive change in the ability of the vertebral discs to absorb shock occurs, accompanied by their displacement. One of the explanations for this change is the deposition of salts due to their increased levels in human blood and lymphatic fluids.
The main reason for the occurrence of cervical osteonecrosis is a sedentary lifestyle. Office workers are most susceptible to this disease, they spend most of their time working on papers and computers. When the human body does not have the necessary amount of physical activity, blood flow slows down, muscle tissue does not need the amount of salt from food. As a result, salt is deposited in the cartilage tissue of the spine.
Contributes to the development of diseases and malnutrition, overweight and metabolic disorders, as well as prolonged stress, nervous tension, sleep disorders.
In addition, the disease can occur due to trauma, extreme stress, inflammation, and other illnesses.
Level of development
Depending on the severity of symptoms and the degree of functional impairment, three stages are distinguished:
First level
It is characterized by minimal severity of symptoms. Patients often notice a general decline in health, headaches, weakness, and dizziness. At this stage, there is slight deformation and displacement of the cervical vertebrae, cracks appear in the cartilage tissue of the disc.
Second level
For the second degree of the development of the disease, markedly increased pain is characteristic, which occurs due to sharp displacement of the intervertebral discs and compression of the nerve roots.
The third level
It is characterized by complete destruction of the annulus of the disc, which can lead to the formation of a herniated mass. The symptoms of the disease at this stage are already obvious. The patient feels severe weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, sharp pain in the neck, spreading to the shoulder blades and shoulders. In some cases, there is a temporary weakening of the intensity of symptoms associated with the replacement of the damaged area with connective tissue.
Fourth degree
The disc is completely destroyed, the destroyed disc replaces its connective tissue. Dizziness, tinnitus increases, coordination is impaired, due to the fact that an artery supplying the cerebellum and the occipital lobe of the brain is involved in this process.

It is very important to diagnose the disease at an early stage and consult a specialist to know what to do to prevent further development of the disease.
Symptoms and signs
In addition to the pain syndrome, cervical osteonecrosis can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, the patient may not be immediately aware of the developing disease. The reason is that the dysfunction of the cervical spine will inevitably affect the work of the vascular system of the brain.
Usually people distinguish three main groups of symptoms:
Pain syndrome
Neurological manifestations in the form of pain syndromes of various sites. First of all, these are headaches of varying intensity and duration, which can be caused by eyes or ears. In this case, the pain usually doesn't go away after taking the pain reliever. Sharp or stabbing pain in the neck and back of the head, radiating to the shoulder blades, forearms, and elbows. With this disease, a dull, aching pain often appears, then becomes more pronounced and spreads to different parts of the body.
Decrease sensitivity
Movement disorders occur due to disruption of the normal functioning of the spinal cord. Patients may experience numbness and decreased sensitivity in the extremities, loss of leg tone, weakness in the arms and legs, and goosebumps. It may be painful to raise your arms or move them to the side.
Signs of cerebrovascular disorders, there are many manifestations. People with fibroids often feel very weak for no apparent reason, and get tired quickly.
Noise in the ear
People often note the appearance of a feeling of stuffiness and noise in the ears, hearing loss and severe deterioration in health.
Psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, and panic attacks may also occur.
Basic diagnostic methods:
- X-ray.A poorly known method, especially in the later stages of the disease.
- Computed tomography (CT) scan.It shows vertebral abnormalities more effectively, but it is difficult to determine the size, presence of herniation, and the presence of cervical disc herniation (disco-medullary conflict).
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).The most informative display method, can clearly see the bone structure, disc, herniated mass and their size, as well as their growth direction.
- Ultrasonic double-sided scanning.This method is used if there is suspicion of impaired blood flow in the arteries of the spine. This indicates a decrease in blood flow rate and the appearance of obstruction to normal blood flow.
The treatment
The development of a treatment plan for cervical osteochondrosis depends primarily on the cause of the disease, the nature and intensity of its symptoms. As practice has shown, complex therapy has the greatest effect, which can include drug therapy, massage, therapeutic exercises and some other methods.
Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of qualified specialists: chiropractors, masseurs, chiropractors, surgeons, neurologists. Going to the doctor on time is very important to prevent the development of second and third degree diseases. In this case, the treatment until complete recovery will take longer.
Therapy is prescribed in a certain order:
- first of all, it is necessary to relieve pain;
- then no edema;
- drugs that restore blood circulation are prescribed;
- muscle tissue is strengthened;
- Measures are taken to restore damaged tissues.
Important! Remember that in the period of exacerbation of the disease, exercise therapy is contraindicated, as it can cause complications.
As a first aid approach to relieve acute pain syndrome during an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed analgesics and, in the presence of acute pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In places of localization of spasms, warming and analgesic ointments, pepper patches are used. Swelling is well eliminated by diuretics. If the patient has numbness in the extremities, special exercises that stimulate blood circulation should be performed.
It should be remembered that these measures will relieve pain, but will not eliminate the causes of the disease. Medicines prescribed by a doctor in combination with other methods of therapy will cope with this task.
The purpose of taking drugs for cervical spondylosis is to relieve pain and muscle inflammation, restore blood circulation and strengthen the vascular system of the brain, and have a general healing effect on the body.
Patients must be prescribed preparations containing vitamin B, which can be prescribed in the form of tablets or intramuscularly.
To restore damaged cartilage tissue of the disc, chondroprotective drugs are prescribed. These medications should not be skipped, as they help strengthen bone tissue and prevent future recurrences of the disease.
Physical therapy
In the process of performing exercises to improve health, it is necessary to perform movements to rotate the head, bend the neck to the left - to the right, forward - backward. Also in the set of exercises there should be shoulder and arm movements. All movements should be performed rhythmically, without harshness and tension, alternating periods of activity and a little rest.
Prevention is always easier than cure. To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to observe a few simple rules:
- avoid excessive stress on the spine to avoid injuring the discs;
- daily full-body exercise, focusing on the muscles of the back and especially the cervical spine;
- avoid nervous tension and fatigue, remember the importance of adequate rest and enough sleep for the body;
- Lead an active lifestyle, be active, exercise more, take a walk in the fresh air, eat in moderation and rationally, as well as quit bad habits.